Saturday, December 19, 2020

Journey to 100 Parks #20 - Kentucky Park - Crystal, MN

It was a little chillier today than we have been.  It was dry with minimal wind, so it wasn't too bad.
Key Features
This was one of the best rock walls we have seen so far.  It had real rock climbing holds and was a decent height.  Esme is getting more brave, but still stopped a bit short of the stop.
Parker had no problems scaling the wall.
Parker spent most of his time on the spinner, are you surprised?  I was able to pull him away for brief moments, but this was his favorite.  This is also one of my favorite pictures on our journey.
The car spring rider was the second best item at this Park.  Parker really got it going and is probably over the ideal weight limit.
This park receives 6 swings.  Nothing exceptional, but Parker's love for the spinner bumps it up from 5.

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