Thursday, July 11, 2024

The 4th of July and Other "Fun"

We continued our Pixar tradition Tuesday night going to see "Inside Out 2."  Jayden tagged along again and Esme joined us as well.  It's fun having a kid interested in these movies now too. We had dinner at Grandpa and Nana's before heading out.
Jimmy picked up some fireworks and we decided to celebrate on the 3rd since it was expected to rain all day on the fourth.
Parker spent some of it in the house watching from the window, but did join us to light a few.
Fun was in quotations for this moment.  I got to have a diagnostic mammogram on Tuesday after finding something questionable recently.  Good news, there is nothing to be concerned about, but I had a few days of spiraling in to worst case scenarios.  I am thankful they were able to get me in quick.
Wednesday night was much more relaxed as we spent time at French Lake Park with church.
Esme even got to go tubing while Parker spent most of the evening swimming.

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