Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Nana's Birthday Pool Party and Lunch with Friends

We gathered on Saturday to celebrate Nana's birthday.  We were waiting and waiting for the rain to stop and it just kept redeveloping.  It did finally clear up and we were able to enjoy some time outside on the swing set and bike and scooter rides.
It finally cleared up and we were able to take a dip in the pool.
We had Papa Murphy's pizza and fruit for dinner and I personalized the boys' nameplates on their bikes.
Lastly, Jimmy made a banana cream pie trifle (that's what I am calling it at least) for dessert.
Parker has been doing such a great job sitting still in church recently that I had to document it.  We has some friends over lunch after and the conversation was so good I only got a picture of Esme entertaining Asher.

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