Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Main Floor Facelift

A project I have been planning for months was officially started recently.  Our house had freshly painted white doors and trim when we moved in.  This is great for a time, but it eventually chips and you can have to keep touching it up for all of eternity.  This is tricky with kids and when trying to match colors.  
I've long thought about changing the doors and trim out someday and got serious about it this winter.  
I started by drawing a layout and measuring all the trim we would need to get a baseline idea of costs.  Once we decided it was doable I made the first of many trips to pick out trim since I knew I wouldn't be able to get it all at once. 

Once the weather warmed up I started finishing trim and ordered the first set of doors.
Removing the trim off the first window was a little nerve-racking.  I was originally planning to cut the windo aprons flush with wall, but was able to remove them altogether with plans to add a new piece of trim.
I used joint compound to patch the walls in preparation for paint.
My mom came over on June 15th to paint the first 2 rooms, ours and Esme's. She got a new pink color on 3 walls and we got a fresh coat of blue over the flat grey most of the house was painted when we moved in.
It was so much easier to paint with all of the trim removed.
About a week later I decided to try my hand at replacing the first of 10 doors.  I put in 6 doors at our old house, but that was over 12 years ago and I recall it being a pain.  I did a bunch of research and gathered some tricks and tips to refresh myself and it wen so smoothly!
Over the next couple days I installed two more and was really rolling.

I have the next sets of 4 doors ready to finish over the holiday weekend and hope to get a lot done.

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