Sunday, July 28, 2024

First Floor Facelift: More Progress

 I was able to get a lot done over the long holiday weekend on my door and trim project.  I borrowed some more saw horses and was able to finish 4 doors at once.

I ordered the last three and was able to finish those pretty quickly as well.
My parents came over and my dad help notch out the frame on the laundry room closet door to fit around the stair framing.
I was able to get a day to myself on the 19th while Jimmy was working and the kids were with my parents to get a bunch of trim done.
The living room finally got a fresh coat of satin paint in basically the same color.  It looks so clean!
I could do most of the trim by myself, but did enlist Jimmy's help for the long pieces on this window.
I set up a station in the front so I didn't have to walk back and forth to the garage.
It looks pretty great all put back together.   I also ended up trimming and painting the shelf behind the couch so it blends in more.
The laundry room was the next space I attacked.  There was a lot more to paint around with the cabinet and washer and dryer hook ups.  Georgia Peach is the color we went with and it just makes me happy.
This also allowed me to install the last of the doors, a pocket door.  This ended up being easier than I had feared.  The trim was another story, but I am living with it.
There is still trim to finish in our room, Parker's room, and the laundry room, but I am feeling optimistic it will be done by September.

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