Friday, March 26, 2021

Journey to 100 Parks #34 - Twin Oaks Park - Crystal, MN

This park is pretty close to our old house, so we have been there several times in the past, but I don't remember if anything has changed since we were last there. Esme threw off her jacket when we first arrives, but quickly realized it was a bit chilly.
Key Features
One trip across the bridge and down the slide and she was ready for her coat.
Esme explored most of the structure, but Parker stayed at the seat spinner almost the whole time.
This steering wheel was also accompanied by a gear shifter.
This was the best seat spinner we've seen so far.  It was a bucket style, which keeps you locked in.  It was also super speedy and maintained for a while.
Not a stunner, but it gets an extra swing for the awesome seat spinner and past memories. 6 swings.

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