Sunday, March 14, 2021

Journey to 100 Parks #28 - Donahue North Park - Maple Grove, MN

We chose this park because it was on the way to my parents.  We left Esme's favorite blanket there Saturday and she was asking for it.  They also had a bunch of food my grandma sent that they wanted to vacuum seal in smaller portions.
Key Features
It wasn't a really cold day, but the wind was howling so it felt a lot cooler.  This disk bridge was a favorite for Esme.  
Most of the climbing pictures I have been taking of Esme lately don't tell the whole story.  She usually gets half way up and then comes back down.  I am starting to wonder if she fell off one at school and is more timid now.  
We love to find the wheels!
Esme really wants the talk tubes to work, but we haven't found one yet that does.  She just yells as loud as she can in the "megaphone."
This one gets 7 swings.  Pretty average with a couple of fun features.

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