Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Great Cornerstone Getaway 2024

It's that time of year again!  We originally planned to have all of us go again, but the date got changed and Jimmy had to work.  Once I found out about that I questioned weather I wanted to try to go on my own with the kids.  Esme was very excited to go so I signed us up.  Just after that my mom asked about joining us and I was so excited for the help and company.  Jimmy did contribute with two batches of cookies for us to share.  
We arrived just before supper on Friday night.  While it was a little rainy and overcast, there was no lightning so of course they wanted to swim! Not surprised we were the only ones here.
Parker remembered the slide and wasted no time climbing up.
My mom took Esme to the kitchen to help prepare breakfast on Saturday morning. She loved helping.
My mom loved helping too and became an expert on the dishwasher.
Esme invited her friend, Ezri, to our cabin to play some Switch.
We did our first swim session of the day before lunch.  Esme went tubing on the boat while Parker rocked the slide again.
My mom tried paddle boarding and didn't fall in.  Esme, on the other hand, took a fall from the slide ladder.  It looked like it was going to be pretty bad at first, but was completely faded by lunch and didn't bruise.
Another swim session after lunch.  Esme spent 4 hours straight in the water.  Parker took a short break, but was probably in there for close to 3.
It's nice that they can play with supervision from a distance so we could relax.
The Saturday night campfire is usually a highlight for me.  I played my guitar and lead worship again.  That may have been the first time since high school that my mom heard me play.
My attempt at a s'mores picture.  She doesn't like the flash!
The kids and Nana crashed in bed and I hung out with friends in the main hall. I started this puzzle way too late, but was determined to stay up and finish it.  Morning comes early when you go to bed at 1am.
Parker had a bit of a rough morning so we had to leave earlier than I would have liked.  It's a really fun weekend, but the meal schedule doesn't align with our every day life which can be tough for anyone.  We took a park breather on the way home and that seemed to help everyone relax.
Can't wait for next year!

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