Saturday, August 7, 2021

Journey to 100 Parks #98 - Lester park - Duluth, MN

We made a trip up north to visit Jimmy's sister's family this weekend.  I decided to make a park stop on the drive up and reached out to a college friend who lives there.  Maija gave me a few really great recommendations and I chose this one because it offered some fun beyond the playground.  It rained almost the entire drive up, but stopped just south of Duluth.  I was relieved we's be able to get it in.
Key Features
The playground itself was pretty compact, but it really shouted that "up north" vibe.  There was a party going on in the shelter, but we were there at feeding time, so it wasn't too busy while we played.
Parker really loved the huge boulder climber.  He was finding all of the ways to get up and down by himself.
Esme gave it the good ole' college try too.
There are some falls and a creek that run near the park, so we took a few moments to explore them.  The stairs down were partially broken.  Parker braved the trek down with me, but Esme stayed at the top.
There was another access point with a rock slope, so we were all able to walk down.  You can really tell how dry it is because the water was barely flowing.
The small and limited size of this one would usually give it a mediocre 6-7, but the extra fun bumps it to an 8.

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