And just like that, summer is over and it's time for "school" again. We've been in a bit of limbo waiting to hear how our state and district would be handling the return to school. I've been pleased with how our Governor has been handling things throughout the pandemic and expected no less of this. The state released guidelines that would dictate the level of in-person learning that would be allowed based on average COVID-19 cases on a county level. Based on this, our district could have started with hybrid learning for all students, but opted to start the year with distance learning. While this is not the option I had hoped for, I understand the concerns of district staff and other families.
We kept our Panera tradition alive with takeout this year and kids were treated to cinnamon rolls.

We made an afternoon visit to Grandpa and Nana's before the rain came in the evening

We also did not know specifics about Esme's childcare program until a couple weeks ago. Our in home provider only had an opening for her until November, so this was a pretty important thing. Since it is viewed as childcare first, it can run as normal with extra precautions in place. Her program is housed at Parker's school, which is really convenient for morning drop-offs. His school is also offering all day care for school age kids during distance learning. This was a huge pain point for working parents in the spring. While we were doing ok with him at home, it was time for him to be in a more stimulating environment. Will all of the extra precautions, Esme's first day was more like Kindergarten than pre-school. They typically share supplies, but asked that each child bring their own. She also needs her own water bottle, masks (not required to wear), and optional blanket and pillow for nap time. She was so excited to gather up all her things.

I took pictures the night before since it was going to be rainy and early. Both of them got a fun new pandemic themed t-shirt for the first day.

I took Parker's Class of 2030 t-shirt pictures the next day.
Esme was so excited. She's been talking about going to school with Parker for weeks.
We are doing curbside drop-off and pick up this year to limit people inside the building. I was so proud that she walked right in with Parker like a big kid!
Adventure Club had told us they would help with distance learning, but I didn't really know what that would entail. I had secretly hoped that one of his paras would be working there and could help him since he will need more support than most kids. I got my wish and Ms. Mary has started working with him. She's been with him for at least the last 2 years, so he is comfortable with her and she is tolerant of him. This week is considered a soft start. Both kids and teachers are working on familiarizing themselves with new technology. Parker was issued a Chromebook from school and it's a pretty steep learning curve from his iPad. I will be able to see all of his assignments as they are posted and get to watch his morning and afternoon meeting with his class.
Esme is having a great first week as well. She is already talking about all her new friends and is bringing home lots of new songs and fun things she has learned.
Esme's program likely won't have any significant changes unless there is a COVID incident. Parker would return to hybrid or in person teaching at some point, but only time will tell.
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