Thursday, July 9, 2020

A New Air Conditioner (Parker's Best Day Ever)

With an air conditioner nearly as old as me, we new it would need replacing sooner than later.  Of course it came during a heatwave in the middle of a pandemic.  After soliciting recommendations online, we got connected with the cousin of a friend of mine from high school.  His price was unbeatable and he was able to do it in just a couple days.  He told us that supply is pretty low right now due to manufacturing holds and increased usage with people home more.
Mitch arrived early Tuesday and got right to work.  You saw the mock air conditioners Parker has been making a few posts ago.  He always tells us when the AC turns on and off and noticed it was not operating.  He was very intrigued by what was happening.  I explained Parker's interest to Mitch and he was extremely sweet and accommodating.
He had it up and running by about 3:00 and we couldn't be happier.  Parker has not stopped talking about the new air conditioner and takes any chance he can to go check it out.  He is a level 2 apprentice now!  The rest of our appliances are relatively new, so we should be good to go for a while (knock on wood.)

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