Saturday, September 7, 2024

First Week of School and Closing the Pool

Another school year is upon us.  Esme started 3rd grade and parker is in 7th.  He will be moving to a new school and starting a new program that focuses more on life skills.  I think it will be good for him.  Here are some comparisons of this year's pictures and each of their Kindergarten pictures.

They got a special cookie for an after school snack on the first day.
The new schedule took a toll on Esme and she took a little snooze.
We also closed down the pool this week. I've had some major trouble keeping up with the chemicals (as you can see by the green water) and decided it was time to drain and clean it.
One last swim before it drains more.  We were lucky to have some dry weather so I was able to get it cleaned and dried out pretty quickly.  I am leaning towards getting a pool membership next year, but will probably still put this up,  I guess we'll see.

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