Friday, October 8, 2021

Esme's School Update

Esme has been having a great year in Kindergarten.  Her teacher is good friends with Parker's 2nd-3rd grade teacher, so I know she's in good hands.  We have settled in to our morning routine with dropping Parker at Adventure Club (before school care) and waiting in the drop off line for Esme.  There have been major transportation issues with many schools this year, so I am glad we decided to make drop off and pick up work.
I've recieved a few videos and pictures of her having fun in the classroom.
She was the cutest for picture day and I can't wait to see how they turned out.
This week was COLOR WEEK and they got to wear a different color each day.  I quickly realized she doesn't really have a colorful fall/winter wardrobe, so I grabbed a 5 pack of t-shirts and did some tie-dye.  I missed the pictures on Wednesday and Thursday, but you get the idea.
I had some extra shirts on hand and did a couple rainbow ones with the leftover dye.
Conferences are next week and I am excited to chat with her teacher more in depth.

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