Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Kelsey's Baby Shower

 My baby nephews will be here before we know it!  This weekend they had a big diaper shower party on Saturday and family baby shower on Sunday.  I made some poop cupcakes for Saturday because "$#!?'s about to get real."

Kelsey's mom hosted the family shower on Sunday with an elephant theme.
Parker got to hang out with grandpa while the ladies had fun.  Kelsey's grandma and sister on the right.
We started with brunch that had mini egg bakes, fruit, charcuterie, yogurt, deviled eggs, and more.
There were these adorable elephant diaper cakes.  The elephants played peek-a-boo with their ears.  Esme wanted to listen to the babies playing in Kelsey's tummy.
After eating we played a few games.  Price is Right trying to guess the total price of all the items at Target.
Then we all cut yarn to guess how big her bump was.  I think I was the only one that guessed under.
There were two other little girls close to Esme's age and they had a vlast playing together.  Here they are pretending to be dogs, Esme is howling.
Next up was presents.  She got so many cute outfits and baby essentials.  She should be ready for these babies to come now!
No party is complete without dessert.  Esme had a mini bundt cake, cupcake, and a cookie!  I thought the sugar would wind her up, but she fell asleep on the way home.  Such a fun afternoon celebrating Kelsey and the babies.

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