It's been over a month since we've started sheltering at home. Life continues to go on even when we can't enjoy all the places and people we used to. Parker lost another tooth and Esme has become best friends with the neighbor dog, Paisley. Right before this picture was taken she said, "Hi Puppy. I'm Esme, this is Parker."
She's also been begging us to put the basketball hoop back out. We finally got around to it last week and both her and Parker are enjoying it.
Special window visits are getting us through the lonelier days as well. All of us wish we could just hang out and hug.
We are starting to get in a bit of a groove with distance learning and attempt all of the assignments we can.
Esme has been enjoying all the time with her stuffed animals and playing with an LED drawing board she got as a late birthday gift. She also likes to participate with Parker's homework.
Sometimes you just need to lay down...
Consistent warmer weather is on the way and we are excited to enjoy it.
The kids have been asking for donuts, so I baked up some chocolate ones.
Gotta burn those donut calories somehow! Jimmy has been doing high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts at home since the gym is closed. He is really seeing some great results and Esme likes to do it along side him.