Monday, June 5, 2023

Clint Eastwood Red to Ocean's Depth

We started our big summer project on May 15th.  The paint on our garage has been flaking for a few years and we knew it would need to be painted sooner than later.  My dad has dubbed the color "Clint Eastwood Red" and he isn't a fan.  I got a few quotes to have it done, but $3500 seemed outrageous.  We knew it would happen this year and the kids have been asking to put the pool up.  We started with the side of the garage so that could go up.
Esme added some great YouTube prodigy commentary.
This section took my mom and I two hours, so we had a good idea of how long the whole project would take.
My mom came back the following Saturday to finish the garage.  Another 6 hours in on this part.
We celebrated with El Loro for a late lunch.
My mom came by the week of the 22nd to power wash the house and did some painting on her own while I worked.  Then I took off the Friday before Memorial Day and started tackling the front.  This was a lower down area that was safe to do alone.  I started right after the kids got on the bus and was done by the time Parker got home at 2:30.
Jimmy worked the weekend, but I was able to finish the back of the house between Saturday and Sunday,  The back had the most stuff to work around, but it was easy standing on the deck to paint.
It felt great to take a break for Memorial Day, but I was antsy to finish the two sides of the house.  Mom came over for one last hurrah this last Saturday.  We had mainly higher up areas to paint, so it was tricky for us both to work at the same time.
I finished the last section about 12:30 pm.  There are still some spots to touch up, but I am so excited to be done.  My mom was an amazing project manager and Jimmy kept the kids entertained for us.
In all, it was about $500 and a lot of man hours, but it looks so good!
We still need to get our entry doors replaced, but this is a huge project checked off the list.

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