Saturday, August 5, 2017

The First Week

The first week was a bit of a whirlwind.  Lots of hoping we could finalize the sale and trying to settle in without settling too much in case it fell through.  My parents took the kids overnight Saturday after the move in since things were still a bit messy.  Since we still owned the old house we stopped by to watch the Frolics fireworks.  I was kinda bummed we were moving right before so it was a fun final fireworks show.
We got our first neighborhood breakfast the next morning.  The diner was way too busy, so we settled for Bruegger's.
Sunday was the first night we all slept at home.  It was also Esme's first night in a real crib! She had no problem transitioning to her own room.
On Wednesday our closings were rescheduled for Friday and the final walk through was Thursday night.  We stopped by one last time after that to say goodbye.
I thought I would be a lot more emotional with the move, but I think the drama helped to mute the sadness.  I did get a little misty as we pulled away.  It's the house we moved in to when we got married, where we brought our kids home and built our family.  A lot of blood, sweat, and tears went in to making it beautiful.  We are immensely grateful that all our work and good timing helped us get in to our forever home.
Things went through as planned on Friday and it was legally ours!  We were already in Bloomington, so we headed to IKEA to grab some furniture we really needed!
Welcome Home Herrmanns!

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