Friday, October 4, 2024

Beyond 100 Parks - Veterans Memorial Park - Silver Lake, MN

Key Features
We stopped at this park on our road trip out to South Dakota for our friend Rick's wedding to Heidi.  After the pumpkin patch (post to come) we made this our lunch stop for the day.
Not a whole lot to keep them occupied on this one.
Parker loves a good old school merry-go-round and this picture is so him!
No gymnastics bars, but Esme enjoyed the monkey variety and working on her strength.
6 swings, adequate.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

A Power Outage Worth Mentioning

You may recall our torrid history with power outages at our old house.  This was one thing we were not going to miss about moving.  I even started a list of outages to keep a record of it.  We've average about 1 per year, but none longer than a couple hours.  The streak finally ended on Tuesday.  Most of the house woke up about 1:15am when it went out.  I pretty quickly reported it to our power company, queued up some iPad white noise and tried to get back to sleep.

I was up and down for the next couple hours checking for updates.  About 4:30 I heard the first chainsaw noises and was able to determine a large part of a neighbor's tree had taken out the line.  We didn't have any storms overnight, but it was very windy.  I was already planning to pack up our food and take it to my parent's house if it wasn't back up in 4 hours and this solidified my decision.
Esme was a little worried I took all the food away, but eventually found it fun to eat by candlelight.  This was the first major outage she's experienced so it was all new.  I ran out and grabbed McDonald's breakfast for Parker before getting Esme on the bus and heading in to the office to work.  The power was back by about 10am and the internet a few hours later.  We all took a trip out to Grandpa and Nana's house to eat dinner and pick up our food.  Parker was a great helper bringing in the trash can.
We stopped for treats at the local gas station before heading home.
Here are some pictures of the aftermath.  It took a couple days for the low hanging internet wire to be repaired.
Quite the tree, and this was only 1/3 of it.  I am guessing they will have the rest of the tree removed since it would fall on the house if anything more happened.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Closing Out September

Grandpa and Nana with most of the grands.
Esme drew this adorable picture of Parker with a pizza shirt.
french braids for picture day.
Crumbl 6-Pack on Jimmy
We needed to get out of the house last weekend so we drove out to Lake Minnetonka Regional Park.  It's a huge playground and it was hard to keep track of both kids.
Free iced coffee and a brat with whiz and curds for our victory against the cheesehead Packers!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Esme's First Vikings Game

At my work picnic in August I won a set of 4 tickets to a Vikings game.  Esme was so excited to go.  I was worried it would be foiled when she was invited to a birthday party the same day, but she didn't put up a fuss.
We got a parking pass for a ramp nearby and made out way through the skyway.  We found our section in the Polaris Club and Esme immediately spotted the ice cream stand and started with a pre-game, pre-lunch treat!  Mint chip with M&Ms and whipped cream.

We had a phenomenal view!  My dad completed our foursome and Parker got to hang out with Nana.
Esme got a hot dog for her main course.  It was tough for her to bite so I cut the dog in to pieces and then she ate the bun separate.
The Vikes got out to a killer start ending the first half up 14-0.  Esme has watched some football at home, but this was the first time she was asking about specific aspects of it.  She thought every cheer was a touchdown but quickly learned about first downs, sacks, and turnovers.  Course 3 was a sack of mini donuts shared with me.
THe final snack was some Skittles that I promised she could have after halftime.
She can be sensitive to noise (despite being as loud me most of the time) so we brought some ear protection.  Shew wore them most of the game, but did take them off from time to time and didn't complain about the noise.
SKOL chanting like a pro!
We threw the Texans a bone in the second half and finished them off 34-7.
I didn't forget about our weekly hot dogs!  Spicy jalapeño chili dog for dinner when we got home.