
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Quick Nebraska Trip

My mom, the kids, and I took a quick trip to Nebraska this weekend for some of my cousin's grad parties.  We spent Friday night at my parents so we could easily load up and head out in the morning.  We had a campfire and burned the original Esme tree that dies last year.  She doesn't remember it, but it made me a little sad.  Esme tree 2.0 is budding already, so it should be a winner.
 We got on the road a little later than planned, but still had enough time.  Lunch was at a little Pizza Ranch in Sibley, Iowa.  Parker loved the dessert pizza!  Fun fact: Pizza Ranch franchises are not allowed to have Cactus Bread (aka the best non-chocolate dessert in the world) until they have $45,000 in revenue.  Super bummed, but it was still delicious.
 We strolled around the veteran's memorial to burn off a little energy before finishing the drive.
 Parker has always been an awesome traveler and it seems like Esme is following suit.  She got a little crabby a few times, but that is expected.  We made both trips in 7.5 hours, which is pretty good with  hour long lunch stops.
 The first party was down a bunch of hilly gravel roads.  It's hard to see in this picture, but it is a really gorgeous area.  Most people don't realize Nebraska has parts like this!
 We saw a few family members on my mom's side last summer, but lots of them got to meet Esme for the first time.
 Above with cousin Melissa and below with great aunt Margaret and cousin Carly.
 So many cousins! Melissa, Claire, Megan, Landry, Ellison, Me, Esme, Carly, Felicia.
 We went to visit all the farm animals before heading out Sunday morning.  Parker was saying "puppy" the whole time he was with the sheep.
 Then we found some real puppies.
 Esme was super sweet with the bunny and even "let" the cow lick her hand.
It was a speedy and fun trip that ended perfectly with a twist cone!  I hope we get back again this summer to see some more family.

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