
Friday, July 5, 2019

First to the FOURTH OF JULY!

It's a short week capped off with a 4 day weekend.  We started with a grocery run and my kids proved they loved each other with an adorable embrace.  I had a Pizza Ranch reward expiring, so we grabbed a cactus bread to go.  The kids freaked out as much as I did about it, "cake!"
Parker had a carnival at school on Wednesday and came home with a baseball face painting.  I am truly shocked he sat (even for 10 seconds) long enough for a face painting.  So cute!
We visited Esme's best friend, Miggy, on Wednesday night as well.  His dad, Steven, is our church youth director and we were having a little year-end debriefing.  Miggy ran to his window to say goodbye as we were leaving.  It was the cutest.
We spent most nights swimming since we've had good weather for it.  I will be so sad when they outgrow the kiddie pool.
We didn't get too crazy on the 4th, but did go swimming at Lifetime and had popsicles on the front step in the afternoon.  I am pretty sure this was the first time we've given Esme a whole popsicle for herself.  She didn't like when it started to drip all over, but enjoyed it a lot before that.
We grilled way too much meat for dinner, but were able to invite my parent's over for the lunch the next day.  A bit of a lack luster holiday, but it was a calm way to start a long weekend.

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