
Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter Weekend

We had a fun and relaxed Easter weekend.  We went to the Crystal VFW fish fry Friday night.  We did this with my parents a couple years ago and decided to try again. This one was closer for us and had much better parking.  All of us agreed it was a great meal too, so it may become a new tradition.  Esme brought along her new friends, chicken and bunny (she's very literal with naming.)
The kids shared a chicken tender plate and we enjoyed fish, baked potatoes and coleslaw.
I worked Saturday morning, but Jimmy took the kids out to an Easter Egg Hunt near my parent's house.  Parker isn't nearly as competitive as his peers and Esme was on the young side of her age group, so the pickings were slim.  Esme was still able to snag some cookies and Parker got a chocolate bunny.
Parker even snuggled up to the Easter Bunny.  This one is less creepy that some that I have seen.  He was really intrigued by the teeth!
I threw some baskets together last minute (like, went to the gym at 6am, then stopped at Hy-Vee before coming home last minute.) They each got some Peeps, a Kinder egg, bouncy balls, and a plush toy.  I got them all dressed up for church and we hit the road.  Esme looked so grown up.
We lunched with Jimmy's family followed by dinner at our house with my family.  The only picture I got was of Esme playing with her cousin, Emma.  
We hope you had a great Easter with family or friends.  He is Risen!

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