
Monday, February 5, 2018

Healing Herrmanns

The last week was rough for our family in the health department.  The fun started on Monday when Parker woke up with a fever.  He also had a decent cold and cough, but no other symptoms.  Over the weekend prior he was acting a bit tired on Saturday, but didn't have a fever yet.  
 He seemed to be doing better by the evening and woke up Tuesday in normal spirits and with a healthy appetite.  A few hours later I got a call from school that he was just wanting to lay on the floor and had a fever again.  My parents picked him up from school so we didn't have to leave work.  He was still struggling with it on Wednesday, so I took him in to urgent care.  Turned out he had an ear infection and we got a prescription for amoxicillin before heading home.
 I was hoping we'd be able to hide his medicine in milk or yogurt, but he wasn't having it.  I tried everything I could think of, but ended up calling urgent care to see if there were any other options.  They left a message for the nurse and we waited for a call back.  I was trying to keep Esme away, but she wanted to be close to him the whole evening.  We got a call at 7:30 that he could come in to get shots, but we needed to go right away since they close at 8:00.  We left as fast as we could and drove through the snow, but made it in time.  We had to wait about 30 minutes for them to finish up and 15 more minutes after the shots to make sure he didn't have any allergic reaction.  He handled it all pretty well, but was ready for bed when we got back home just after 9:00.  In the mean time Jimmy was diagnosed with the flu earlier on Wednesday and started his own round of meds.  He will likely be out of work for a week, but seems to be recovering.
 By mid-day Saturday we worried that Esme was following suit.  Around lunch time she threw up and spiked a 103 degree fever.  I wasn't taking any chances and took her to urgent care right away.  Since the flu is so widespread they just prescribed Tamiflu and told us to come back if things got worse.  She slept the rest of the afternoon and we had to wake her up at 6:30.
 A bath, a dose of Tylenol, and some brother snuggles helped drop her temp for the evening.  That turned out to be all she wrote.  She woke Sunday morning in normal spirits and with an eager appetite.  She didn't have any symptoms, but we continued with her medicine since she was tolerating it.  I haven't succumb to any major illness yet (knock on wood).  Hopefully you can stay healthy this winter too.

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