
Monday, June 26, 2017

Museum Outing and Annual Tree Pictures

The Minnesota Children's Museum was closed for 6 months and finally reopened at the beginning of the month.  We finally got out there on Saturday to check things out.  The new Sprouts area replaced the old toddler exhibit, Habitot.  There was a great area for climbing, a soft padded area, doors and knobs, and a water play area.  It is technically for ages 3 and under, but Parker loves it too.
We got a sneak peak of Our World before the museum closed.  They repurposed machinery from a building block exhibit to become a post office and had a grocery/kitchen area.  Parker's favorite was the hardware store.  There was a panel of 40 light switches that each controlled a different fixture.  He played with that for a very long time.
They moved the fan favorite BALLS! in the special exhibition room.  Most of it was the same, but they added a roller coaster and bounce room.  You can see the roller coaster on the back wall.  Parker did a great job waiting for his turn to roll the ball down.
It's also the time of year when we take our annual tree pictures.  The original Esme tree died last year, but the replacement tree is doing great!  
The Parker tree appears to have had some incredible growth last year and is now towering over Parker and Grandpa.

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