
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Esme's Dedication

We had Esme's dedication at church and birthday party on the same day to make things easier for out of town family.  For those not familiar, a dedication is pretty much a baptism without water.  We are making a public statement that we will raise Esme in the Christian tradition and she will be baptized when she is able and ready to profess belief in Jesus.  She wore a special dress for the ceremony that was purchased in 1949 for Jimmy's aunt to be baptized in.  All of the kids, including his dad, were baptized in it.  It was then used to several of Jimmy's cousins and our niece.  Esme was the 11th child to wear it.  It was a little tight in the arms and neck, but baptismal dresses are typically used for smaller babies.
A total of 5 children were dedicated between both services.  Our senior pastor was out of town so she was dedicated by Chuck Landon.  He is a retired pastor that speaks from time to time.  He is also our small group leader and shares a birthday with Esme.  They have a pretty special connection and we were excited to have him part of the service.
We were joined by lots of family and it was so special.
"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7

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