
Sunday, November 6, 2016

One Tired Mama

It's been an exhausting week for me.  Jimmy had a minor procedure this week (which I will elaborate on in another post) and I was mostly on solo parenting duty.  It is tough and tiring to take care of two kids on your own so I have to give a lot of credit to parents out there that do it some of the time or all of the time.  Early in the craziness we had fun watching the Cubs win the world series.  We were rooting for them along with most of the nation, but aren't going to become bandwagon fans.  Our team will always (unfortunately for now) be the Twins.  We have made two trips to Chicago and to Wrigley.  We took a tour on our first trip in 2010 and got to go to a game in 2011.
 Wrigley had become a lot more high tech since we were there.  I remember it feeling strange to have no video boards and now they have several.  We got to see a walk off win while we were there and it was so fun to see all the fans go crazy.  They are hard core in Chicago!
 I was lucky enough to get some reprieve on Friday night when my parents picked up the kids for an overnight.  They also came over today to watch the kids while I finished up yard work. 
 Parker's friend Mitchell had a birthday party at Davanni's.  All the kids got to make their own pizza, which was really fun.  They have a party room so I didn't have worry about Parker running all over and disturbing other customers.
 We went back to my parents' on Saturday night to watch the Husker's game (you can google search the massacre.)  Their neighbor made an adorable cow hat for Esme and I am so excited for her to wear it.  She made a sock monkey one for Parker when he was younger as well.
 I am looking forward to Jimmy being back to full speed, but this has really made me appreciate all he does for our family.  Have a wonderful week!

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