
Monday, November 14, 2016

Esme June - Seven Months Old

Esme is 7 months old today.  She is sitting independently, but still like to arch back and sometimes falls over, so we make sure to sit with her or surround her with blankets.  The tummy sleeping phase didn't last long, which I greatly appreciate!  Parker was a tummy sleeper for a long time (and still is sometimes), but Esme seems happy on her back.  She weighs about 19.5 lbs and is wearing all 9 month clothing.  She is still in size 3 diapers and is doing well with her 8 oz bottles most of the time.  She loves when people talk to her and likes to babble back.  She especially likes to laugh!  Parker has been very affectionate, which really gets her going!
 I am going to blame this week's super moon for Esme's crazy teething!
 He upper gum is so red and swollen, but no teeth have popped yet.  She had a low fever over the weekend when Jimmy's parent's were watching the kids and even threw up a bit on Saturday night.  She was having a tough time going to sleep last night, so we gave her a dose of Ibuprofen and that did the trick.  She has been a little more hit or miss with eating, but is mostly in good spirits.
 We had a fun visit with our cousin Carter last night.  He is expecting a baby sister in the next few weeks.  It took him a bit to warm up to Esme, but was loving her up by the end.  This was his very sweet attempt at a hug!
 I will try to set up a fun photo shoot this weekend, but here are her weekly pictures from last week and the monthly pictures from today.  Have a great week!

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