
Thursday, August 4, 2016

National Night Out and Hives

We'll get to the hives in a moments... National Night Out was Tuesday.  I organized it last year and was slated to again this year, but totally forgot.  Luckily, my neighbor remembered and sent the form to the city.  We just popped in at the end because we had to stop by Jimmy's parents' new townhouse to help move a few things.  We made it just in time for the fire truck, which Parker could take or leave.  He did seem to like the hat!  We chatted for a while before heading home.  It's the only time of year we get to see many of our neighbors, so it was fun to catch up.
 Now to the hives!  They started on Friday night.  We noticed Parker had some read marks on his legs and abdomen while getting him ready for bed.  Jimmy put some cortisone on it to see if it would help.  We didn't actually know what it was yet.  The first picture it from Saturday morning.  It looked much worse once out in the natural light, but it didn't seem to be bothering him.  I called the nurse line on my way to work and they said it sounded like hives and to get it checked out in 24-48 hours if it didn't clear.  We decided it would be ok to take him to my parents since no one else had them.
 They cleared up overnight Saturday, but popped up again by the time we arrived to pick them up.  It looked less splotchy and more spotted which concerned me.  There is a pediatric urgent care not too far from my parents that is open on Sunday and had no wait, so I took him in.  The doctor took a look and confirmed that it was hives.  He said it was most likely something that got on his skin and not something he ate, but we still can't figure it out.  They usually last 4-5 days, but can last a couple weeks.  I also got a note from the doctor that eased the mind of our daycare lady.  
 They progressively got better during the day this week, but kept springing up after putting him to bed.  He would be spot free, then look like this two hours later, only to be clear in the morning.  He was clear all day today and he is still clear tonight, 3 hours after bedtime.  Hopefully this means the end of them, but I am bummed we don't know what caused them.
Today also marked 16 weeks for Esme.  She is showing more personality with each day and I love waking up to her smile!  She has started to move a lot in her pack n' play.  She will spin 180 degrees and kick the button that turns the mobile on!  The past couple nights it has woken Jimmy up.  Now I just need to remember to turn it off when I go to bed so that won't happen.
C'mon mom, more pictures?
Hope you are having a great week.  Bring on Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Emily had hives when she was 2. It got to the point where we did the allergy dot test on her back, only to figure out shes not allergic to anything they tried. Frustrating.
