
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Out and About

Last week was gorgeous out, but it's been rainy and chilly this week so we haven't been able to take walks.  We did get out to the Mall of America on Tuesday and have been getting out to stores when we can.  I have been loving dressing Esme up in all her girly outfits.  The one below is still big, but is one of my favorites.
 We purposely went to the mall on Tuesday because Esme was 12 days old.  Parker had his first trip to the mall and the Apple Store at the same age.
 We made a pit stop at the Children's Museum satellite location to give Parker a chance to stretch his legs and to feed Esme.  I love having this option at the mall, too bad it isn't permanent. 
 The mall had been doing some major renovations over the last year or so and we had lunch at the new north food court.  There are several new spots opening soon that I am excited to check out, namely Disco Fries.  I have been craving some poutine since we went to Winnipeg and this may be my chance!
 We also got to check out a newly rebuilt Menards!  It's been closed for over a year, so I am happy to have it back.  It will take a bit to get used to such a big store!
 We've been enjoying our down time at home too.  Both of my boys are pretty enthralled with the new lady of the house (I am too)!
We also got some newborn and family pictures taken on Monday.  I got a little sneak peek yesterday and can't wait to share some of them with you.  Until then, you can gush over the cuteness below! Two weeks already and she is up to 6 lbs. 3.5 oz. based on my at home measurements.


  1. What a fun outing! HAHA starting them early with Apple products sounds good to me ;)
    Is that an escalator for shopping carts?! I've never seen that before, but it looks cool.
    Happy 2 weeks Esme!

    1. It is an escalator for carts! I never saw them until 2-story Menards stores started popping up around here. The wheels lock in for safety reasons, but can be annoying because it moves pretty slow.
