
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Easter Egg Hunt

We went to a local Easter egg hunt this morning!  It was raining last year, so we skipped it, but here is the fun we had two years ago.  I made sure to remember his boots, but it was mostly damp and not muddy.  You can't see any other kids in the first picture, but they were stacked up just behind me.
Parker was able to participate a bit more this year than two years ago.  We still had to encourage him to pick stuff up, but he was great at putting it in the basket.
Grandpa Buxton made sure to point out the Sixlets since he loves those!
We also met up with Parker's friend Simon!  He got a great haul too!
Lots of Parker's favorites and some candy for mom and dad too!  I love that they have regular snacks as well as candy.
We haven't had a sunny day for this hunt yet, but maybe it will be nicer next year when we have two little ones to bring!  Easter is later next year, so baby girl may already have turned ONE by then, so crazy to think about.  We can't wait to celebrate Easter with family tomorrow.  He is Almost Risen!

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