
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Family Day at Preschool

Parker's preschool has a family day every month.  Both Jimmy and I were able to attend today.  It was a great opportunity to see his classroom in a live setting (we had seen it without kids there) and see what his daily schedule was like.  He has a locker outside him room.  Each child has a certain color assigned to them and it is used throughout their daily schedule.
They use picture exchange communication(PECS) for many of the daily activities, including snack time.  Right now he is given a choice of snacks and is asked to indicate which one he would like.  As his language develops they will add "I" and "want" for him to ask on his own.
 He was doing some free play when we arrived, then transitioned into the sensory station.  This month's activity is playing with trucks and playdoh since transportation is their focus.
Each child has their own picture schedule to use throughout the day.  When Parker is done at one station he will take a blue tag with his name and put it in the envelope at the top.
Then he takes the picture for his next activity and goes to that area.  He is still working on knowing all of the activities, but did great for motor play.  This is his favorite activity and knew right where to take his picture.
 Once the tag is put in the box at that station they can start learning/playing.
They have a great swing right in the room and he knew just how to make himself spin around and move!
 The last thing on the schedule was circle time.
 I was very impressed with how well Parker sat for most of it.  This was also my first time seeing a smart board.  Education technology sure has changed.  I am bummed that Parker will never know the joys of transparencies and overhead projectors, but this was pretty cool!
 Each child got to color a heart...
 Then they listened to some songs about the color pink and excavators!
 And everyone got to choose a vehicle noise to play.
 We sang a goodbye song, bundled up, and headed home.  
We are so proud of how amazing Parker is doing in school.  He really has made a lot of great progress in just a few weeks!


  1. Looks like the poor kid only owns one shirt?

    1. Well, it's an awesome one! You can blame Jimmy for dressing him this morning.
