
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Up North!

We made a speedy trip "up north" last weekend.  For those unfamiliar with this locale, it is where many Minnesotans spend summer weekends.  Many have cabins, go camping or just enjoy whatever the north woods has to offer.  We haven't gone to northern MN in years! (I checked, it was when we just found out I was pregnant!)  Jimmy's sister's family moved to the north shore this summer and we were excited to visit.  Summer came and went without a trip, so we took the chance to head up for a night when we got a free weekend!

My parents had Parker overnight Friday because we were at the wedding.  We woke up early, picked him up and hit the road.  We stopped in Hinckley for breakfast at Tobies!
We arrived at their house just before noon, ate some lunch and put Parker down for a nap.  The adults just hung out on the deck and chatted for a few hours and it was perfect!  Once Parker was up we all went outside to play!
 Parker loved pushing the dump truck all around the huge yard...
 And through the mud!
 He also loved playing with the dogs, especially Steezy.  He kept pushing on her butt to make her move!
 They have just about 2 acres that were beautifully landscaped by a previous owner.  Parker was very intrigued by the pond, he wanted to walk right in!
My little explorer!
 We had a campfire and s'mores to finish our night.
 We ate a quick breakfast Sunday morning and headed back home!  It was a speedy, but fabulous trip.  Hopefully we will get up there more now that we have a good reason!
Jimmy, Lesa, Julie, and Dave

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