
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Holiday Kick-Off

This evening kicked off the holiday party season for us!  A group of friends from church has an ugly sweater/white elephant gift party each year.  This year was the first time we were able to go.  I was so excited and had been planning my sweater for a while.  I saw something similar on Pinterest, but gave it my own flair (as usual!)  It is hard to tell, but I am wearing functional Christmas lights.  And that is an ACTUAL tree skirt that I made into an ACTUAL skirt... So much fun!
Jimmy and I in front of our friends' Christmas tree.  Jimmy's attire is courtesy of a co-worker!

My parents took Parker overnight last night while we went to a movie for date night, so we brought him along to this even.  There were a few other little ones there, but he had the most fun playing with Hank (the dog) and Tim (the adult.)  Tim set new standard for silly roughhousing (in a good way!)
 Parker enjoyed exploring all the wrapped gifts.  The favorite gift was a fart book accompanied by perfume.
Hank took a liking to a stuffed bear head (inside joke.)  There was not much left when he was done with it.
  Parker helped clean up Hank's mess by putting the stuffing in the bowl.
Did I mention...I won for best ugly sweater!  It was such a fun evening.  I didn't even mention all the great food!  Appetizer dinners are my favorite and we do a lot of them this time of year.

Katie (below on the left) is wearing the sweater that won her the crown last year!  Rachel (below on the right) has a similar thought and came as a tree too!  Jimmy said she was the real life version and I was like a cartoon.  
This group of couples is so wonderful!  I feel so blessed to have them in our lives.  Can't wait for next time and next year!  I better start brainstorming....

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