
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Parker's First Dentist Visit!

I have been thinking about taking Parker to the dentist for some time.  Then, several weeks ago my friend Tamara from our ECFE class mentioned taking her daughter to a place called Camp Smile.  They are a pediatric dentistry office and offer free exams for children under 18 months.  Parker was in a bit of a crabby mood, but he did well overall.  We first met with a hygienist who asked about our and Parker's dental history and gave us a few pointers for starting him out right.  We got a list of foods that are harder on teeth to try to avoid.  I also learned that snacks like dairy and fresh fruits and veggies actually help to clean cavity causing sugars from teeth.  So, it is always a good idea to follow up a carby stack with some cheese or yogurt to help remove the sugar residue.  Milk can also contribute to cavities so we were told to limit it to meal times and stick with water or a small amount of juice at other times. 
Anxiously waiting for the Dr.
 Parker saw Dr. Bobbi Augustyn.  She was very nice and let him play with her light and mirror tool.

"What's she gonna do with this Mom?"
Then he got to lay down to get his teeth examined.  He was NOT a fan of this part, but that wasn't surprising.  His got a clean bill of health and we were told that he has some major molar action going on!  He fights hard when I try to take a look.
I am glad we are starting him early on the right road to dental health.  We got some fancy xylitol toothpaste and need to go back in about a year.  We can't wait to go back!


  1. That's impressive! I'm sure Jillian would have freaked out long before that.
    Way to go Parker!

    1. He was a little freaked out. I think he got that "doctor's office" vibe and maybe remembered getting shots! But, I am proud of him!
