
Monday, January 23, 2012

Rock and Rollin' weekend!

Parker took his first (long) road trip this weekend!  My mom, dad, Parker and I went to Nebraska for my dad's family Christmas party, unfortunately Jimmy had to work so he stayed behind.  I wasn't sure how the P-man would be in a car for 7+ hours, but he rocked it!  We made 2 stops on the way down to feed him and he fell right back asleep  when we got back in the car.

Saturday morning we visited Parker's great-Grandpa and Grandma Jensen at the nursing home.  It was so fun to introduce them to Parker and get some pictures taken too.

Saturday afternoon was the Christmas party and everyone was so excited to meet the newest member of the family.  There were lots of new aunts, uncles and cousins to meet.  So much was going on and Parker didn't want to sleep through any of it!  I could not believe how long he stayed awake that day!  I wasn't sure how the night would go since I had an overly stimulated and an overly tired baby on my hands, but he slept great!  Then he proceeded to sleep almost constantly for the next 24 hours!  It was crazy, but I guess he had some catching up to do.  This also made the trip home an easy one.

On top of Parker being a superstar traveller he also ROLLED OVER for the first time at just 7 1/2 weeks!  He looked like he was going to do it all day on Saturday and he finally did it at dinner!  My mom got to see it too, so I wasn't the only witness! So proud of my little man and can't wait to see him do some more!

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